The 1.9MW Terminal Storage mini hydro – the result of a partnership between SA Water and Hydro Tasmania – has been designed to capture energy from Adelaide’s water supply system.
The scheme has received the Green Power tick of approval and the renewable energy will be sold to mainland Australia electricity retailers.
Hydro Tasmania is an equal partner in the venture, sharing 50% of the capital required to develop the project and the revenue from electricity generation. Hydro Tasmania was selected from a large field of hydro developers to partner SA Water in the development and has delivered the project implementation on budget and on time.
‘This is Hydro Tasmania’s first joint venture project of this type and we are looking forward to an ongoing relationship with SA Water in future projects including a really worthwhile development at Mt Bold, which could start construction as early as January 2004,’ said Hydro Tasmania chief executive officer Geoff Willis.
The Terminal Storage mini hydro will generate about 7000MWh each year or the equivalent of supplying 1000 South Australian households. It will also reduce carbon emissions by around 6000 tonnes a year.
Willis acknowledged Hydro Tasmania’s alliance partner in the design and construction of the mini hydro facility, the Tasmanian-based Tyco Tamar, which was the major subcontractor on the project.