SMEC is design and supervise construction of a 1.5km long embankment dam as part of a contract for work on the Thwake Multipurpose Water Development Program (TMWDP) on the Athi River in Kenya.
Under the terms of the deal awarded by Kenya Ministry of Water and Irrigation, SMEC will design the dam, together with a powerhouse, substation and power transmission main. It will also be responsible for the design of water supply and sewerage for two nearby rural growth centres; construction supervision during dam construction; and implementation of a Resettlement Action Plan.
Funded by the African Development Fund, the objective of the project is to increase water security by providing 680 million m3 of potable water storage for residential consumption, power generation, irrigation, drought and flood mitigation, and downstream conservation flow.
Project works will be completed over four phases, and will comprise the development of a 77m high multipurpose concrete faced rockfill dam and associated structures, as well as catchment rehabilitation and protection activities.