Rescan Tahltan Environmental Consultants Ltd (RTEC) has been contracted by Alaska Hydro Corporation to carry out an Archaeological Overview Assessment of the More Creek and Forest Kerr Diversion hydroelectric projects.

The assessment will review existing archaeological data to determine if there are any known archaeological sites within the project areas and provide a context for the general archaeological environment. It will also identify the location of any known archaeological sites within the area as well as archaeological/heritage potential based on the information gathered, the environmental context and other relevant factors, while comparing the information gathered with the currently proposed development plan to provide initial determination where potential conflicts could exist and provide recommendations.

If any concerns are identified RTEC will provide recommendations for further study.

The More Creek Project site and the Forrest Kerr Diversion site have been the subject of archaeological studies by others in the area and on a historical basis by BC Hydro, the former holder of the site. It is hoped that the archaeological records will fully identify archaeological sites of potential interest allowing for a focussed study on critical areas.

This study will be included in the Canadian Environmental Impact Statement required by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency and in the Development Plan required by the B C Environmental Assessment Office.

RTEC is 50/50 joint venture of ERM Consultants Canada Ltd. and the Tahltan Nation Development Corporation.