Genex Power Limited has entered into a Binding Heads of Agreement with Powerlink Queensland to progress a range of key activities which are critical to the connection of Genex’s Stage 2 Kidston Hydro-Solar Project to the Queensland transmission network.

The agreement requires Powerlink to commence a detailed program of works, including a targeted environmental study on the Mount Fox-Kidston Corridor, transmission line design works and development of the easement acquisition process. These activities follow the recent declaration of the Kidston Project (including the transmission path) as a “Critical Infrastructure” project by the Queensland State Government.

The agreement also sets down a detailed timetable requiring Genex to submit to Powerlink a formal Application to Connect in Q4 2017, to be followed by negotiation of a Generator Connection and Access Agreement in accordance with Chapter 5 of the National Electricity Rules.

This agreement builds on the Queensland Government’s recently announced Powering North Queensland Plan, which includes a $150 million reinvestment of Powerlink dividends to develop strategic transmission infrastructure in North and North-west Queensland to support a clean energy hub.

“We are pleased to have now finalised our approach to this vital element of our Stage 2 project structure. This early works program to progress the design and easement acquisition process of the transmission path is key to connecting our project to the national electricity grid,” said Genex’s Managing Director Michael Addison. “We maintain an excellent relationship with Powerlink and are delighted to be working with them towards meeting our power transmission requirements.”