The 305.5MW Reventazón project in Costa Rica will be out of operation for three months while repairs are carried out, the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) has clarified.

There had been previous reports suggesting that the project would be closed for six months, but ICE said this was an inaccurate understanding of the intervention plan for the project, and has confirmed it will be out for three months as scheduled.

The intervention plan for the project began in August 2017 and included reinforcement work, placement of additional monitoring points and detailed geological investigation.

In mid-February 2018 work began on the construction of a concrete slab and the installation of dry piles. The execution of these works meant the project’s reservoir was drawn below the minimum level of operation, meaning the plant cannot operate. Operation is due to restart on 15 May 2018. Placement of active anchors are due to be completed in August, but the plant can still operate while this work is carried out.

ICE reiterates that Costa Rica's power supply will remain constant, due to the planning and diversification of its generation model.