A proposal to introduce a dam safety bill that will help India adopt uniform dam safety procedures across all its states and union territories has been approved by the Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
The Dam Safety Bill 2018 has been developed following extensive consultation with experts across India and internationally. It calls for the proper surveillance, inspection, operation and maintenance of all specified dams in the country, and provides for the set up of a National Committee on Dam Safety together with State Committees. A National Dam Safety Authority will also be established as a regulatory body with the goal to implement the policy, and provides guidelines and standards for dam safety in the country. It will also maintain a national level database of all dams in the country and records of major dam failures.
There are currently over 5000 large dams in India, with over 400 under construction, with thousands more medium and small dams. Dam safety is considered a concern in the country due to a lack of legal governance for the structures.
News wires have reported that the Dam Safety Bill 2018 addresses all issues concerning dam safety including:
- Regular inspection of dams
- Set up of Emergency Action Plans,
- Comprehensive dam safety reviews
- Repair and maintenance funds for dam safety
The provisions of the bill puts the onus of dam safety on the dam owner, with penal provisions included.