RusHydro has announced it is to begin implementation of measures aimed at levelling the Zagorskaya pumped storage power plant No. 2 (PSPP-2) building, after subsidence was found in the structure.

The plans were approved at the end of the December by RusHydro’s board of Directors. Work will begin this year and will take approximately two years to complete.

Levelling was considered the best decision following research by the Scientific and Engineering Council of United Energy System and the Russian Academy of Science. The leveling project was developed by RusHydro company Hydroproject Institute following the subsidence, which occurred in September 2013 as a result of deficient functioning of a counter-seepage system.

The estimated cost of the levelling project is RUB 3.15 billion. The project provides for pumping specially designed solidifying fluids beneath the basement platform of the building.

Decisions on further action concerning the restoration of Zagorskaya PSPP-2 will be adopted after completion of building levelling and evaluation of the results.