Valmet has announced it will supply a central control and data collection system to operate PVO-Vesivoima’s hydro power plants on the Iijoki, Kemijoki and Kokemäenjoki rivers in Finland.

Valmet’s delivery scope consists of a Valmet DNA SCADA solution for distributed process control and monitoring. It will be installed in PVO-Vesivoima’s Raasakka hydropower plant. All hydro power plants will be centrally operated from a central control room located in Tampere about 500km from Raasakka. The virtualized automation system will feature links to the hydropower plants and several other third-party systems, such as energy management system, power distributors and the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE). 

The redundant virtualized automation system is located in two separate rooms in Raasakka to ensure highest possible reliability.

The system is operated with Valmet DNA User Interface which comes with a secure web-based access that enables the plant and mill teams to access relevant information whenever they need it, regardless of their location.

The system will be handed over to the customer in January 2021.

Raasakka hydropower plant