Montem Resources Limited has provided an update on its planned Tent Mountain Renewable Energy Complex (TM-REX) in Alberta, Canada, which includes plans for a 320MW pumped storage project.

The company said that a Steering Committee, chaired by experienced Canadian power industry executive Will Bridge, has been established to drive the development of the project. Initial work includes the front-end engineering and design (FEED) in 2022 and engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) tender evaluation in early 2023. 

The steering committee, which also includes Andrew Keeping of Boost Energy, Bob Bell and Peter Doyle, is overseeing various work streams to drive the FEED project phase.

These work streams are being undertaken by a team of Montem appointed experts which includes Novel Power (Mohsen Moeini), GHD, Yellow Bike Solutions s (Kari McDonald) and Golder (Dave Lawrence).

“Each member of the advisory team brings specific experience applicable to the TM-REX project,” explained Montem Managing Director and CEO Peter Doyle. “Boost Energy is an experienced power industry project management team and have already set up strong process controls. Mohsen Moeini is a specialist hydropower engineer with extensive international experience designing pump-hydro projects. Kari McDonald’s environmental and permitting experience in Alberta includes working on another major Alberta pump-hydro project. David Lawrence has extensive Indigenous Peoples engagement and consultation experience from his involvement in multiple energy projects in western Canada. Consultancy GHD has widespread international experience in the design and construction of energy production facilities and is a leader in strategy development for the green hydrogen transition.”

Montem’s decision to transition Tent Mountain to become a renewable energy complex followed separate independent expert studies in 2019 and 2021 which demonstrated the project’s strong viability to host a renewable energy complex which would include:

  • 320 MW Pumped Hydro Energy Storage
  • 100 MW Green Hydrogen Electrolyser
  • 100 MW Wind Farm (offsite)

Montem said its focus now is to complete the FEED over the next 18 months, culminating in EPC tender evaluation in H1 2023. In parallel, the team will commence the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) process to establish a connection to the Alberta electricity transmission system (the grid) which involves a stage gate process.

Montem is now working to complete the final configuration design for the pumped storage project, building studies undertaken in 2019 and 2021. This step includes a gap analysis on the design configuration which will provide more detail on the major components of the energy complex and the interconnection to the grid.

FEED work will focus on a detailed geotechnical evaluation, leveraging the existing geotechnical data collected during the Tent Mountain Mine Redevelopment Project Feasibility Study. It will also focus on the detailed site-specific design required for the reservoirs, penstocks and the powerhouse, as well as the routing for the powerlines.

Connection to Alberta’s electricity grid is a project requirement to enable distribution of the power produced by the TM-REX. The interconnection process is managed by AESO and regulated by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). Montem will work with AESO over the next six months to complete Stage 1 of the interconnection process which establishes the project’s scope and plan to connect to the grid. Stage 2 of the interconnection process is the assessment stage which includes completing an engineering study on the interconnection and a facilities design and is expected to be completed by end 2022. Montem will then initiate Stage 3 of the interconnection process which involves preparation of the application to the AUC.

GHD is being commissioned to undertake detailed analysis of the Green Hydrogen electrolyser element of the TM-REX. This work will include final site selection and investigate the likely technology Montem will employ at the H2 production facility. GHD have already identified three potential offtake markets for the Green Hydrogen, and Montem will undertake initial commercial discussions with these potential partners.