BC Hydro’s Stave Falls power plant replacement project has been awarded the 1999 project of the year award by the president of the Project Manage-ment Institute’s (PMI) west coast BC section. The award recognises projects which show how professional project management techniques ensure that projects succeed technically, environmentally and socially.
The Stave Falls project was considered to be an excellent example where difficult challenges occurred and were addressed not only in a manner which benefited the public, but actually improved the project. At the same time budgets and schedule deadlines were both fulfilled successfully.
The project involved the replacement of the existing 52.5MW power plant with a new two-unit 90MW power plant. Consultation for the project began in 1993, construction began in autumn 1995 and the work was completed in autumn 1999.
By carefully managing the project scope, schedule and budget, and by applying innovative practices and methods to address a number of unique social and environmental considerations, the Stave Falls power plant replacement project was commissioned on time and under budget by 21%, said BC Hydro’s senior vice president of power supply, Blair Trousdell.