Dams are crucial in water management, irrigation, hydroelectric power generation, and flood control. However, their failure can have devastating consequences, including loss of life, economic damage, and environmental harm.

Recent statistics show that over 200 dams have failed since 2000, underscoring the urgent need for effective monitoring systems. In the US, more than 15,600 dams are classified as high hazard. This means their failure could lead to significant property damage and loss of life. Moreover, nearly 17% of the world’s large dams are over 50 years old. This increases the risk of structural issues and failures. Continuous monitoring is essential to detect potential problems early and ensure timely interventions.

Encardio Rite is committed to enhancing dams’ safety and structural integrity worldwide. Their mission is to utilize advanced monitoring technologies to protect these critical infrastructures. They have contributed to the safety monitoring of over 300 dams globally, including 70 under India’s Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP).

Encardio’s Infinitus approach to dam safety monitoring

Jordan Keeney, PE highlighted in the Groundbreakers podcast: “The integration of ground-based sensors with aerial and satellite remote sensing creates a multi-layered defense against potential dam failures.”

Encardio Rite’s Infinitus approach to dam safety provides total assurance of asset safety with a single-point solution converging data acquisition technologies, services, support, and software. This five-step process involves collecting critical Earth-to-Sky data, integrating it on the Proqio platform, providing robust analysis and visualization tools like a digital twin of the assets, facilitating risk assessment and alarm management through scheduled automated reports, and maintaining continuous monitoring throughout the asset’s lifecycle from pre-construction to design life and beyond.

Encardio Rite employs a comprehensive range of data collection methods. This includes ground to aerial, ensuring thorough and accurate dam health monitoring. Their system integrates ground-based sensors, remote sensing, surveying, and drone technologies, providing a complete view of dam conditions.

Data collection methods

Ground-based sensors include piezometers, which monitor pore water pressure within the dam body and foundation, essential for assessing structural stability. Uplift pressure meters measure the upward force of water under the dam, indicating potential structural threats. Seepage measurement systems track water movement through the dam, detecting leaks. Ultrasonic reservoir level sensors precisely gauge water levels, while crack/joint meters and biaxial tilt meters detect and measure structural movements.

In-place inclinometers monitor lateral movements within the dam, providing data on tilting or shifts. Plumb lines measure vertical alignment, ensuring structural integrity. Fiber optics sensors offer real-time strain and temperature data, which is critical for detecting changes in dam material. Automatic total stations with control computers and prism targets track structural deformations with high precision. GNSS antennas and receivers provide accurate positioning data, and strong motion accelerometers, along with broadband seismometers, measure seismic responses.

Video surveillance cameras offer continuous visual monitoring of the dam and its surroundings. Advanced technologies such as automatic wired and wireless sensor monitoring systems enhance the efficiency of dam monitoring. Wired sensors, connected to dataloggers with GSM/GPRS modems, provide continuous data transmission to remote monitoring centers. Wireless sensor networks, equipped with LoRa (Long Range) technology, offer a flexible and scalable solution for dam monitoring. This helps reduce the need for extensive cabling.

Additionally, laser scanning technology is employed for precise 3D deformation monitoring, enabling detailed analysis of dam movements over time. These technologies facilitate real-time monitoring and alert systems, ensuring that any anomalies are promptly detected and addressed, thereby enhancing the overall safety and reliability of dams. 

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InSAR data on Proqio


InSAR Technology: Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technology is a powerful tool for dam monitoring, capable of measuring surface deformation with milli-metric precision over large areas, regardless of weather conditions. It uses satellite-based radar to track ground displacement, offering extensive coverage and high monitoring point density. This technology is particularly useful for monitoring dam stability, including surrounding slopes and infrastructure, providing both short- and long-term displacement trends.

InSAR is advantageous because it doesn’t require on-site installations, reducing the need for extensive groundwork. It also allows for the detection of cyclical displacement patterns, helping identify anomalies in dam behavior. Th technology supports real-time monitoring and rapid response capabilities, which are crucial for ensuring dam safety.

Drones and Remote Sensing: Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors complement ground-based measurements by providing detailed data on external deformations and environmental conditions. This aerial perspective enhances the accu-racy of routine inspections while reducing the time and costs associated with manual inspections. By triangulating data from drones, ground-based sensors, and remote sensing technologies, stakeholders gain precise and actionable insights into dam health and safety.

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Laser scanner data on Proqio

Proqio – for data integration and analysis

All the data from monitoring, be it any sensor, remote sensing technology, or surveying equipment, irrespective of the brand, can be integrated into Proqio, the data intelligence platform, providing a comprehensive view of the dam’s structural health. 

Proqio’s near real-time online data display allows stakeholders to access and monitor the information promptly from anywhere. You can group instrumentation and technologies together and visualize them through flexible graph options. You can also swap axes and compare data from different groups of equipment.

Proqio’s advanced data analysis capabilities, powered by AI and machine learning algorithms, enable the identification of potential risks, change detection, and data validation across various dam infrastructure types. The platform offers customizable data representation, including digital twins, 3D maps, trend analysis, and interactive dashboards tailored to stakeholders’ needs.

Automatic SMS and email alerts are integrated into the system to notify stakeholders of any critical events or anomalies, enabling timely response and decision-making. Any anomalies or potential risks are communicated instantly, ensuring timely intervention.

Its infrastructure monitoring solution is designed to integrate with existing asset risk management systems and broader disaster management systems. Early warning systems provide real-time alerts, allowing prompt action to mitigate risks. Proqio helps conduct risk assessments and action plans, with alert configurations and notifications to keep projects on track and teams informed.

Continuous monitoring supports predictive maintenance strategies, preventing issues from escalating into major problems. By identifying potential issues early, we can schedule maintenance activities more effectively, reducing downtime and ensuring the dam’s safety.

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Instrumentation data heatmap on Proqio

Notable projects

The Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) in India, launched by the Central Water Commission (CWC) with World Bank financial aid, aims to enhance the safety and operational performance of dams. Initiated to address critical issues, the project began with Phase I, focusing on 223 dams, and expanded in 2020 with Phases II and III to include over 225 dams, targeting 700 dams. The project involves structural repairs, capacity building, and implementation of flood forecasting systems. By improving dam safety, operational efficiency, and sustainable management practices, DRIP ensures better water resource management and protection of downstream communities.

Encardio Rite was responsible for the structural health monitoring of 70 dams under this project, some of them being Mettur Dam, Krishnagiri Dam, Vaigai Dam, and Idukki Dam.

Idukki Dam, India

The Idukki Dam project in Kerala, India, is a testament to our dam safety and monitoring capabilities. This high-arch dam, the tallest in Asia, was constructed in 1973 and has since required sophisticated rehabilitation efforts to ensure its ongoing safety and performance.

To address these needs, we implemented a comprehensive Real-Time Structural Health Monitoring and Early Warning System, integrating an array of advanced geotechnical and hydro-meteorological sensors, dataloggers, and robotic total stations.

Along with geotechnical instrumentation, we incorporate optical targets and GNSS, alongside UAVs equipped with LiDAR, to perform detailed 3D mapping of the dam structure. Weather stations and Interferometric SAR track environmental impacts and ground movements, providing a holistic view of the dam’s condition.

In October 2021, during heavy rainfall, our system’s real-time data facilitated timely alerts and interventions. These actions were crucial in preventing potential disasters and safeguarding the surrounding communities.

Idukki Dam, India
Idukki Dam, India

Highland Park Reservoir, US

Located in Pittsburgh, PA, the Highland Park Reservoir No. 2 Dam Safety Improvement Project is a critical component of the city’s infrastructure, ensuring the safety and reliability of a significant 125-million-gallon drinking water reservoir. Initiated in 2022 by the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA), this $24 million investment focuses on replacing the aging liner, cover, and other reservoir components, which have been in service for over 120 years.

Encardio Rite provided the necessary instrumentation and real-time monitoring solutions for the project. The monitoring equipment and technologies were integrated with advanced ESDL-30 dataloggers, ensuring reliable data collection and transmission to a central server via a wireless cellular network.

The company’s software, equipped with Google Maps integration and graphical navigation, allows stakeholders to access near real-time data, receive instant alerts via SMS and email, and visualize the reservoir’s status through intuitive interfaces. This comprehensive monitoring solution was essential during the reservoir’s refilling phase, providing critical information and ensuring a safe and controlled operation.

Highland Park Reservoir, US
Highland Park Reservoir, US

Sugar Pine Dam project, US

The Sugar Pine Dam in Placer County, California, serves as the primary municipal water supply for the Foresthill community. This zoned earthfill dam, completed in 1982, required modernization due to outdated instrumentation. Standing at 205 feet in height and spanning 689 feet in length, the dam impounds North Shirttail Creek, a tributary of the North Fork American River.

In 2021, Encardio Rite were tasked with updating the dam’s monitoring capabilities. The project involved the installation of new heavy-duty piezometers (Model EPP-30V) to replace the aging twin-tube piezometers. These instruments provide accurate long-term data on water levels and pressures, essential for maintaining the dam’s structural integrity. The up-graded instrumentation system has significantly enhanced the dam’s safety by providing reliable data for annual reports and timely interventions.

Sugar Pine Dam Project, US
Sugar Pine Dam Project, US

Mangdechhu Dam project

The Mangdechhu hydroelectric project is located in the Trongsa Dzongkhag District of central Bhutan. It is a significant run-of-river power plant with a capacity of 720 MW. Jointly developed by the Indian Government and the Royal Government of Bhutan, the project includes:

  • A 101.5-meter-high concrete gravity dam.
  • Intake tunnels.
  • A 13.54 km headrace tunnel capable of discharging 118 cubic meters of water per second.

From 2012 to 2018, Encardio Rite monitored the dam and associated structures. The scope of work included supplying geotechnical instrumentation, installation services, and online and manual monitoring of critical parameters.

The project’s unique challenges included monitoring an underground powerhouse and ensuring the stability of the 152-meter-high surge shaft. The advanced data acquisition system, integrated with strong motion accelerometers and a web-based data manage-ment system, provided real-time data and early warnings. The successful implementation of this monitoring solution ensured the project’s structural integrity and operational safety. This contributed significantly to Bhutan’s renewable energy goals.

Hatta Dam, UAE

The Hatta Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant Project is a key component of Dubai’s Clean Energy Strategy 2050. It is located near the Hatta community, 140 km southeast of Dubai. This ambitious project involves constructing a new upper reservoir 150 meters above Sadd Hatta Al Awwal Dam. This was connected by a 1.3km tunnel. The powerhouse, equipped with two units, will generate 250 MW of net power over a 6-hour cycle.

Encardio Rite was crucial in monitoring the project’s permanent civil works during construction and operation. The comprehensive monitoring system included geotechnical instruments for various structures such as the Al Awwal Dam, Main Dam, Saddle Dam, and the HP Tunnel Portal Upper Intake. Innovative instruments like the three-head piezometer, triaxial crack meter, and digital plumb lines were used to monitor groundwater conditions, uplift pressures, lateral movements, and temperature in the dam body.

The advanced data collection system, featuring fiber optic cables and the in-house developed data management system, provided real-time monitoring and automated alerts. This monitoring solution ensured the safety and stability of the construction site and the existing infrastructure. This helped to reduce risks and enhancing the project’s overall success. The Hatta project underscores the importance of integrating advanced monitoring technologies to achieve long-term sustainability and safety in large-scale hydroelectric projects.

Our contributions to global dam safety are significant, underpinned by advanced technology and comprehensive monitoring solutions. As the importance of dam safety and infrastructure health grows, ongoing innovation and thorough monitoring will be crucial in safeguarding these vital structures.

Hatta Dam, UAE
Hatta Dam, UAE