Barriers and booms play a crucial role in the safe and efficient operation of hydropower plants. These floating structures serve multiple purposes and have evolved significantly over the years to meet the changing needs of the hydropower industry.

Debris control: protecting intakes and maintaining efficiency

Debris control is a critical function of barriers and booms at hydropower plants. Floating debris, including logs, branches, and other vegetation, can pose significant challenges to hydropower operations if not properly managed.

One of the primary uses of debris booms is to protect power plant intakes. These barriers are strategically placed upstream of hydropower plant intakes to prevent floating materials from entering and potentially damaging turbines or other critical equipment. By intercepting and deflecting debris, these barriers help maintain the efficiency and longevity of hydropower installations.

Maintaining generation efficiency is another crucial aspect of debris control. Accumulation of debris at intake structures can lead to reduced water flow and decreased power generation. Effective management of floating trash, logs, and other debris through floating debris booms helps hydropower plants maintain optimal generation efficiency.

The importance of debris control is underscored by a striking statistic from the technical article ‘Evaluation of Clogged Hydropower Plant Trash Rack Losses’ by Aleš Hribernik. Here energy losses caused by floating debris and trash were estimated to be 133 MWh. This is a significant amount of power that hydropower producers would otherwise be “flushing downstream”. This highlights the real financial impact that effective debris management can have on hydropower operations.

Debris booms come in various forms to suit different environments and debris types. For instance, permanent containment booms are designed for controlling lightweight debris and vegetation in calm water. These typically feature small, highly buoyant floatation materials fixed to the upper part of a submerged curtain. These create a permanent barrier below the waterline.

For more challenging environments, such as rivers with higher debris levels, specialized booms like the Debris Master™ are employed. These are capable of handling heavy floating debris, hyacinth, and floating trash flows on river systems and large reservoirs.

Public safety: protecting lives around dams

Beyond debris control, barriers and booms serve a critical safety function around hydropower facilities.

Restricting access to dangerous areas

Safety booms are installed to prevent public access to hazardous zones near dams and hydroelectric power plants. These barriers help facility managers meet their responsibilities in protecting the public and managing risk.

Boat barriers

In addition to general safety, some booms are specifically designed to act as boat barriers, preventing watercraft from approaching too close to dam structures or entering restricted areas.

Ice control: managing winter challenges

In colder climates, barriers and booms can also serve as ice control structures. These specialized booms help manage ice formation and movement, protecting hydropower infrastructure during winter months.

Evolution of boom technology

The technology behind barriers and booms has advanced significantly over the years, moving away from traditional timber log booms to more sophisticated and environmentally friendly options.

From timber to high-tech materials

Historically, log booms were made from cut timber or trees, chained together using chain or wire rope. However, this practice has largely been phased out due to environmental concerns and the need for more versatile solutions.

Rotomoulded plastic floats

A significant advancement in boom technology came with the introduction of rotomoulded plastic floats. These floats offer several advantages over traditional wooden booms:

  1. Environmental friendliness: Unlike wooden booms treated with toxic preservatives like creosote, plastic floats do not leach harmful substances into the water.
  2. Durability: Plastic floats are resistant to rot and degradation, offering a longer lifespan than wooden alternatives.
  3. Cost-effectiveness: While the initial investment might be higher, the longevity and low maintenance requirements of plastic floats often result in lower long-term costs.
  4. Versatility: Modern booms can serve multiple purposes simultaneously, such as debris control and public safety.

Engineered steel frames and screens

While the brightly colored plastic floats are the most visible part of modern booms, the real strength lies in their engineered steel frames and screens. These components form a “high strength steel curtain” capable of holding back large amounts of debris.

Custom solutions for unique challenges

The diversity of hydropower installations and their specific needs has led to the development of a wide range of specialized barrier and boom solutions.

Floating debris booms

These are designed specifically for managing floating trash, logs, and debris in hydroelectric dams. They can be customized based on the size of the water body and the type of debris typically encountered.

debris collection
Pacific Netting Products designed and manufactured a 225’ ballasted floating HDPE shear boom to direct woody debris from the Clark Fork River into a debris collection holding area.

River trash booms

Tailored for river environments, these booms safeguard rivers from debris accumulation and help maintain efficient water flow.

Ocean garbage booms

While not directly related to hydropower, these booms demonstrate the versatility of the technology in combating ocean debris and protecting marine life.

Permanent containment booms

These are designed for controlling lightweight debris and vegetation in calm water. They typically feature small, highly buoyant floatation materials fixed to the upper part of a submerged curtain, creating a permanent barrier below the waterline.

Case studies: booms in action

Several real-world examples illustrate the effectiveness and importance of barriers and booms in hydropower operations:

Xayaburi Dam, Laos. Photograph was taken five days after the Worthington debris barrier was installed at the project

Xayaburi dam, Laos

The Xayaburi dam, a 1,285 MW run-of-river hydroelectric facility on the Mekong River, employs a custom 595-meter long Worthington litter boom debris barrier. This barrier includes 3m deep debris skirts along its length, a boat passage, and vertical slide beams to allow for full adjustment to changing water levels. It effectively deflects massive amounts of woody debris and vegetation away from the power plant intakes.

Mt. Morris Dam, New York, US

The Mt. Morris dam, the largest concrete gravity dry dam east of the Mississippi River, has relied on Worthington Waterway barriers for nearly 20 years to provide effective, reliable litter boom debris control.

Holtwood powerhouse, Pennsylvania, US

The 125MW Holtwood Powerhouse utilizes a public safety tailrace barrier, demonstrating the dual-purpose nature of modern boom systems in both debris control and public safety.

Challenges and considerations in boom deployment

While barriers and booms offer numerous benefits, their deployment is not without challenges. One of the primary concerns is the potential environmental impact. Care must be taken to ensure that boom installation and operation do not negatively affect local ecosystems, particularly fish populations and aquatic vegetation. This often requires careful planning and consultation with environmental experts to minimize disruption to the natural habitat.

Another significant challenge is dealing with changing water levels. Hydropower reservoirs can experience substantial fluctuations in water levels, and booms must be designed to accommodate these changes. This often necessitates complex engineering solutions to ensure the booms remain effective regardless of water level.

Extreme weather events pose another considerable challenge. Barriers and booms must be engineered to withstand high water flows, strong winds, and other severe weather conditions that may occur. This requires robust design and construction to ensure the structures can maintain their integrity and functionality even in the face of nature’s fury.

Maintenance requirements present an ongoing challenge for hydropower operators. Regular inspection and maintenance are crucial to ensure the continued effectiveness of boom systems. This includes removing accumulated debris and repairing any damage to the structure. The need for consistent upkeep can be resource-intensive, requiring dedicated personnel and equipment.

As the hydropower industry continues to evolve, so too will the technology behind barriers and booms. One exciting development on the horizon is the concept of “smart booms.” These advanced systems would integrate sensors and IoT technology to provide real-time data on debris accumulation, water quality, and structural integrity. This would allow for more proactive management and maintenance of boom systems, potentially improving their efficiency and longevity.

The push for greater environmental sustainability is likely to drive the development of even more eco-friendly materials for boom construction. Researchers and engineers are continually exploring new materials that can offer the necessary strength and durability while minimizing environmental impact.

Automated debris removal systems represent another promising area of development. These systems could significantly reduce the manual labor requirements associated with boom maintenance, making the process more efficient and cost-effective. Imagine robotic systems that could autonomously detect and remove debris from booms, ensuring they remain clear and functional with minimal human intervention.

Looking further into the future, we may see the emergence of multi-functional barriers. These innovative structures could serve additional purposes beyond their primary functions of debris control and safety. For instance, they might be designed to support aquatic habitats, providing refuge for fish or supporting the growth of beneficial aquatic plants. Some even suggest integrating small hydrokinetic turbines into these barriers. This will allow them to generate small amounts of additional power and further enhancing the efficiency of hydropower installations.

As these trends develop, we can expect to see barriers and booms that are not only more effective at their primary tasks but also contribute more broadly to the sustainability and efficiency of hydropower operations.


Barriers and booms have become an integral part of modern hydropower operations, offering solutions to a range of challenges. As the industry continues to prioritize efficiency, safety, and environmental stewardship, these floating structures will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role.

The evolution from simple log booms to sophisticated engineered systems demonstrates the hydropower industry’s commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. By effectively managing debris, enhancing public safety, and protecting critical infrastructure, barriers and booms contribute significantly to the sustainable operation of hydropower plants worldwide.

As we look to the future, continued advancements in materials science, engineering, and smart technology promise to further enhance their capabilities. Whether it’s improving debris management efficiency, bolstering safety measures, or finding new ways to harmonize power generation with environmental conservation, barriers and booms will remain at the forefront of hydropower innovation.