Japanese general contrac-tor Taisei Corporation and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) have announced independently that they have each won contracts to develop major pumped storage hydro power projects in India and Malaysia. Both projects will be the first of their type in the respective countries.
Taisei, Japan’s second largest general contractor, has won the main US$153M civil works contract for the 900MW, US$680M Purulia project in West Bengal. The project’s planned commissioning date is June 2006. The scheme, financed largely by a Japan Bank for International Coop-eration loan, was originally expected to be commissioned in 2003.
TEPCO’s research and development unit meanwhile has been contracted to help Malaysian national utility Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) with feasibility studies for a proposed 1000MW plant in Pahang state to the east of Kuala Lumpur. It would be commissioned between 2008-10.
• If you would like to update the data on your pumped storage plant in IWP&DC’s Yearbook 2002, please contact Tracey Kennett. Email: tkennett@wilmington.co.uk.