Hidroenergia 2002 will take place 3-6 July 2002 in Mulhouse, France and is jointly organised by GPAE, SHF and esha with financial support from the European Commission.
Papers for the bi-annual conference are invited under one of the following topics:
• Technical aspects of small hydro plants and innovations – mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, environmental innovations.
• Environmental aspects – integrated design, social acceptance, bioengineering, residual flow, environmental impact assessment.
• Institutional aspects and financing – licences, rivers exclude from small hydro use, rehabilitation of existing sited, economic aspects and costs, liberalisation of electricity markets, green pricing and green certificates, new markets in developing countries.
A special emphasis will be given to papers incorporating success stories.
The conference will include both plenary oral and poster presentations. Presenters are kindly invited to submit a 500 word abstract in French, German or English by 15 March 2002 together with their contact details. The international scientific committee will referee all papers.
For further information contact SHF on tel: +33 1 42 50 91 03, fax: +33 1 42 50 59 83 or email: shf@shf.asso.fr. Alternatively, click on the web link below.
External weblinksEuropean Small Hydro Association