Iberdrola Renovables’ mini hydro assets remained with 342MW of installed capacity in the first quarter, with no capacity added over the three months. The growth was focused on wind power.

Electricity generated from the asset base was 172GWh, which equates to 3.2% of the entire output.

The company’s entire output increased 20% to 5398GWh of electricity from the asset base that is dominated by wind power.

Total installed capacity is 9624MW, which is an increase of 27.3% over the same period last year. The company added 323MW to the portfolio during Q1, of which 155MW was in the US to take the total asset base there to slightly over 3GW.

The company was previously named Iberenova.

Last year, the Iberdrola group saw hydro contribute 11,600GWh of electricity, which is approximately 8.2% of its entire output. The group’s hydro assets account for 22.7% of the entire portfolio, which is more than 43.3GW.

The group was recently awarded a five-year contract by Energias de Portugal (EDP) to manage two hydro plants with combined capacity of 360MW.

The company is also planning to build the 1.2GW Alto Tamega scheme, comprising four plants (two pumped storage, two conventional generation), in northern Portugal by 2018. Plans were announced in January.

It is also building the La Muela II pumped storage plant in Spain. The plant is to be commissioned by 2012.

A further project being developed by the group is the Santa Cristina facility in Galacia, Spain.