The Government will provide Can$10/MWh (US$9.24/MWh) of funding under its EcoENERGY scheme for the first 10 years of operation of the plant.
Innergex said the revenue support equates to approximately Can$3.30M (US$3.05M).
The 7.5MW run-of-river plant is under construction near Whistler in the province of British Columbia. It is expected to generate about 33GWh of electricity per year. The plant is scheduled to be operational before the end of 2010.
The project is being developed by Innergex and Ledcor Power Group on a two-thirds, one-third ownership split. The development budget is Can$33.2M (US$30.7M) and construction started in mid-2008.
Earlier this month the developer signed a 40-year deal for BC Hydro to take output from the plant.