The Bowersock Mills and Power Company has filed an application for its Bowersock run-of-river scheme on the Kansas river in Lawrence, Kansas, US.
The project consists of a 200m long dam, 30m spillway, and 18m flume. The masonry and rock-filled timber crib dam has crest elevation of 240m mean sea level and a height of 5.5m. Hinged flashboards increase the impoundment level above the top of the dam top by 1.2m. The corresponding operating head is 5.5–6.7m depending on water flow.
Some 45m of flashboards are pneumatically operated and automated while all remaining flashboards are manually raised, and are designed to fall when river flows top 226m3/sec.
The intake section is integral to the power house, with seven turbine generators totalling 2.5MW at a head of 6.7m. The spillway contains seven manually operated gates.
Separately, Reliant Energy has filed certification applications for its Hoosic and Raquette river projects.
The Hoosic river project is located in the towns of Johnsonville and Schaghticoke, Rensselar county, New York. The Hoosic scheme consists of the Johnsonville and the Schaghticoke developments on the Hoosic river east of its confluence with the Hudson river. Both developments are operated in a peaking mode.
The Raquette river project in northern New York consists of 14 developments and four Federal Energy Regulatory Commission projects.
Public comments on these applications will be accepted until 9 September.
For more information, go to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute website.
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