Publication of the European Union’s Renewables Directive in October 2001 was seen as a springboard to increase the contribution of renewable energy sources across Europe. Many of you involved in the small hydro industry felt certain that small hydro would be included. You were right. But what you probably didn’t expect was the inclusion of larger hydro schemes into the renewables category. What will this mean for small hydro? Does it present more problems for the industry? At International Water Power and Dam Construction’s ninth conference on small hydro power, we will give you the opportunity to find answers to these questions and more.
To be held in June 2003 in Luxembourg, this important meeting is a must for anyone involved in small hydro. The conference will allow delegates the chance to compare experiences and exchange advice with colleagues on regulatory, technical and environmental issues. It will also help define the role for small hydro alongside newer, renewable technologies.
At the heart of the EU, Luxembourg is an ideal conference venue for an industry whose future is likely to be shaped by various government policies and strategies. With small hydro sites on the Moselle river providing a substantial contribution to domestic energy supplies, Luxembourg also borders France, Belgium and Germany; each of which are renowned for their own small hydro industries.
International papers are invited for IWP&DC’s Small Hydro conference on the following or related themes:
• The role of small hydro in the renewable energy industry
• How small hydro can help meet Kyoto CO2 targets
• Upating and refurbishment
• Financing projects
• Regulatory requirements and water use licences
• Environmental issues
• Estimates of small hydro potential
• Small hydro verses large hydro
• Communicating with all stakeholders
• Micro and mini hydro
• Tidal and wave power
• New technologies
In the news…
Small hydro has the potential to become big business. Just look at some of the stories IWP&DC has published in the past:
• Uganda has invited firms to submit bids for the development of two small hydro power stations. Uganda Rural Electrification Company, South Africa’s Eskom Enterprises, Austria’s ABB, Italy’s Soluziana, Germany’s Siemens and Kenyan-Namibian joint venture Kibo, have been invited to bid for a 5MW power station proposed at Nyagak Falls in the Nebbi District, ad a 1.5MW World Bank sponsored plant planned at Olewas Falls.
• As a result of the energy crisis, Kings River Conservation District of central California, US, has announced it is investigating ways to develop its hydro power potential. The District is updating a 1985 study on 11 small hydroelectric projects along the Kings river.
• In order to boost the development of small hydro projects in the country, the Indian government has asked the Rural Electrification Corporation to fund small hydro projects with a capacity up to 25MW. (, 17 July 2000)
• The rural inhabitants of a remote village in the Ratnapua district of Sri Lanka have started to build a hydro project under the small scale hydroelectric power programme mooted by chief minister, Asoka Jayawardena.
• A software package has been developed to assess the economic potential and instream environmental impacts of small hydro sites on ungauged watersheds.
• Two new turbines from Czech turbine manufacturer Hydrohrom are helping to increase efficiency at the recently refurbished Klecany small hydro power project.
• alstom Power has developed a new solution for the small hydro market that incorporates a turbine, generator and control system in one compact package.
• The UK government has announced the creation of a new body to help small power generators link to local distribution networks rather than the main grid.
Authors interested in giving papers should submit abstracts of 500-800 words (in English) no later than 16 September 2002. Please include your name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address and send to:
Julie Rossiter
Small Hydro Conference
Wilmington Publishing Ltd
Wilmington House
Maidstone Road, Foots Cray
Sidcup, Kent
DA14 5HZ, UK
Tel: +44 20 8269 7823
Fax: +44 20 8269 7874
Email: u-jrossiter-wilmington-co-uk-u
Authors will be notified by 14 October 2002 if they are successful and the deadline for submitting full papers will be January 2003. A full conference programme will be printed in early 2003.
Papers may be selected for oral or poster presentation and will only be accepted for the conference programme if the author or co-author undertake to attend the conference to present them.