Category I

1. Harsar Chamba Budhil/Ravi 60MW

2. Bharmour Chamba Budhil/Ravi 45MW

3. Suil Chamba Suil/Ravi 13MW

4. Kut Kinnaur Kut/Satluj 24MW

5. Tidong-II Kinnaur Tidong/Satluj 60MW

6. Khoksar Lahaul & Spiti Chandra/Chenab 90MW

7. Gharopa Kullu Beas 99MW

8. Shalvi Shimla Shalvi/Yamuna 7MW

9. Fozal Kullu Fozal/Beas 9MW

10. Sal-I Chamba Sal/Ravi 6.5MW

11. Kilhi Bahl Kangra Binwa/Beas 7.5MW

Category II

1. Jangi Thopan Kinnaur Satluj 480 MW

2. Thopan Powari Kinnaur Satluj 480 MW

3. Kutehar Chamba Ravi 260 MW

4. Chamba Chamba Ravi 126 MW


1 The Harsar hydroelectric project area falls in Kugti Wild Life Sanctuary. The Developer will have to seek clearance of WL Board & Empowered Committee of the Supreme Court at their level.

2. In respect of Fozal hydroelectric project, there is an arbitration case filed by M/s Cosmos Consulting in the Hon‚ble High Court of H.P. The Arbitration Tribunal constituted by the Hon‚ble High Court has restrained the State Govt. for allocating the Project to a third party and also from implementing itself till the disposal of the case. Therefore, the Project shall be allotted only after obtaining permission of the Arbitration Tribunal.

The Eligible Bidder‚ shall mean a Company or a Consortium of Companies or a Corporation, whether in the public or private sector and whether of Indian or foreign origin.


A. Applicable for all Projects:

The Bidders should have strong financial and technical base with adequate free investible reserves and surpluses and requisite technical capability necessary for the development of the above hydroelectric projects.

The operation period of the Projects shall be 40 years from the Commercial Operation Date (COD) of the Projects at the end of which these shall stand transferred to the Government of Himachal Pradesh free of cost.

The Developers will be free to dispose of power from the Projects, after allowing for royalty in the shape of free power to the State, in any manner they like in accordance with the provisions contained in the Electricity Act, 2003 and the rules and regulations made thereunder.

The Project Developer will be required to provide royalty in the shape of free power from the Project to the Government of Himachal Pradesh in lieu of surrender of potential site at 12% of the Deliverable Energy of the Project for the period starting from the date of synchronisation of the first generating unit and extending up to 12 years from the Date of Commercial Operation of the Project, at 18% of Deliverable Energy of the Project for a period of next 18 years and thereafter at 30% of the Deliverable Energy for the balance agreement period beyond 30 years. The royalty in the shape of free power shall start accruing to the Govt. from the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date. In case the actual COD is delayed beyond the Scheduled COD, in that event the amount of free power component as royalty shall accrue to Govt. of H.P. because of extended COD and the Developer shall pay the same in 10 equal instalments from the actual COD.

The Developer shall reimburse to the Board the amount, spent by the Board on investigations and infrastructure works of the Project up to the date of signing of Implementation Agreement, with compound interest @ 10% per annum within three months of signing the Implementation Agreement.

The scope of the work will be from concept to commissioning and operation thereafter, including, inter-alia, survey and investigations, identification of transmission system for the evacuation of power and preparation/review of Detailed Project Report (DPR).

The transmission system for evacuation of power shall form part of the Project and shall be included in the DPR in consultation with HPSEB keeping in view the integrated system requirements.

The Project Developer will be required to make arrangements for evacuation of power from the Project to the Board’s/PGCIL’s Sub Station (designated as the Interconnection Point) as per the provision in the DPR. For evacuation of power beyond the Interconnection Point, the Developer shall tie up with HPSEB/PGCIL for arrangements of a suitable integrated transmission system at mutually agreed wheeling charges.

Interested parties can submit Bids for one or more Projects. One Bid Document purchased will hold good for submission of Bid for only one Project. The Bids as well as the Processing Fee shall be submitted separately for each Project applied for.

The Developer will be permitted to withdraw from the Project after the submission of the DPR if the Government is satisfied that the Developer has

sufficient ground to establish that the Project is not techno-economically viable.

B. Applicable for Category-I projects:

1. A letter of allotment shall be issued to the successful/selected Bidders asking them to execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Government of Himachal Pradesh for which a sum of Indian Rupees equivalent to Rupees one lac (Rs. 1,00,000) per MW of installed capacity subject to a maximum amount of Rupees Fifty lacs (Rs.50,00,000) only shall required to be deposited by the successful Bidder as the Security Deposit either through Banker’s Cheque or the Bank Draft drawn in favour of Govt. of HP on a scheduled Indian Bank. As per the terms & conditions of MOU the Developer shall be required to achieve various milestones. The Developer shall submit a Detailed Project Report (DPR) commensurate with the allotted site within a period of 18 months in Projects upto 50MW and 24 months in other Projects from the date of signing of MOU, to Govt. of H.P. for appraisal by State Govt./Central Electricity Authority as the case may be. Subject to the Govt. as well as the Developer having satisfied themselves about the techno-economic feasibility of the Project, the Developer shall execute the Implementation Agreement (IA) with the Govt. within a period of 30 months from the date of signing of MOU where DPR prepared by HPSEB is available and within 36 months from the date of signing of MOU in cases where DPR is to be prepared afresh. The Developer will have to deposit a Security Deposit of either a sum of Rs. four lacs (Rs.400,000) per MW in case the Deposit is made in the form of Bank Guarantee or a sum equivalent to Rs. Two lacs (Rs. 2,00,000) per MW in case Deposit is to be made as cash/Bank Draft.

2. Successful/Selected bidders shall be required to deposit upfront premium @ Rupees Ten Lacs (Rs. 1,000,000) only per MW. The upfront premium shall be payable by the successful Bidders in three installments i.e. 50% amount at the time of signing of MOU, 25% at the time of signing of Implementation Agreement and remaining 25% immediately after financial closure.

C. Applicable for Category-II Projects:

1. The selection process will be in two stages. In the first stage the interested companies shall submit Pre-qualification Bids as per the Request for Qualification (RFQ) document. In the second stage, the Pre-qualified Bidders will be invited to submit Price Bids. In the Price Bids, the Bidders would be required to quote the upfront charges over and above a minimum amount of Rupees Ten lacs (Rs.10,00,000) per MW capacity of the Project. The quoted upfront premium shall be payable in three installments i.e. 50% amount immediately after allotment of Project, 25% at the time of signing of Implementation Agreement and remaining 25% immediately after financial closure.

2. A letter of allotment shall be issued to the successful Bidders asking them to prepare/update the DPR of the allotted Project and for achieving various benchmarks and submission of final DPR. The Govt. of H.P. shall sign the Implementation Agreement (I.A.) with the successful Bidder within a period of 30 months from the date of allotment of the Project where DPR prepared by HPSEB is available and in 36 months from the date of allotment in cases where the DPR is to be prepared afresh. The Developer shall submit a Detailed Project Report (DPR) commensurate with the allotted site within a period of 24 months from the date of allotment, to GoHP for appraisal by State Govt./Central Electricity Authority as the case may be. Subject to the Govt. as well as the Developer having satisfied themselves about the techno-economic feasibility of the Project, the Developer shall execute the I.A. with the Govt. within a period 30 months from the date of allotment where the DPR prepared by HPSEB is available and 36 months where DPR is to be prepared by the Developer. The Developer will have to deposit a Security Deposit of either a sum of Rupees four lachs (Rs.4,00,000) per MW in case the Deposit is made in the form of Bank Guarantee or a sum equivalent to Rupees two lachs (Rs.2,00,000) per MW in case Deposit is to be made as cash/Bank Draft.

D. Other Instructions:

1. The brochure containing details of terms and conditions regarding Bidding and Project Implementation, Bid Application Formats, questionnaire etc. would be available to the interested Bidders w.e.f. 7th November, 2005 on payment of Rupees two lach (Rs. 2,00,000) only per Project through a bank draft/bankers cheque, from the office of the Chief

Engineer (PSP), HPSEB, Vidyut Bhawan, Shimla-171004 (HP) India, Tel. -177-2803253, Fax-91-177-2803253/91-177-2658984 e-mail: Documents will be sent through Registered Post/Speed Post. The bank draft/banker’s cheque shall be given in the name of Accounts Officer (Banking), HPSEB, Shimla and drawn on any scheduled Indian Bank at Shimla. For getting the documents through Courier service additional charges @ Rs.1000/- for inland and Rs.5000/- for foreign countries shall be payable. The Bids will be accepted only from the Bidders who purchase the Bid Documents. The last date for the supply of Bid Documents to the interested Bidders shall be 21st January, 2006 (1700 Hrs. IST).

2. The last date for submission of bids in the Office of Chief Engineer (PSP) at the above address, is 22nd January, 2006 upto 1300 hrs. The Bids will be opened on the same day i.e. 22nd January, 2006 at 1600 hrs. in his office.

3. The Bidders shall also be required to furnish a non-refundable Processing Fee at Rupees One lac (Rs. 1,00,000) only per MW subject to maximum of Rupees Ten lacs (Rs.10,00,000/-) per Project applied for. The payment shall be made through bank draft/bankers cheque in the name of Accounts Officer (Banking), HPSEB, Shimla drawn on any scheduled Indian Bank at Shimla. Bids not accompanied by the Processing Fee are liable to be rejected forthwith.

4. The Detailed Project Reports in respect of Kutehr, Suil, Sal-I and Bharmour Hydroelectric Projects have been prepared by HPSEB. The Independent Power Producers (IPPs) interested in these Projects would be required to review the DPR available with HPSEB. The IPPs will be required to obtain the copy of the DPR from the office of Chief Engineer (PSP), HPSEB, at an additional payment of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) per copy per Project, through a Bank Draft/Bankers Cheque.



Himachal Pradesh, spread over an area of 55673km2., is located in the Northern part of India. It is situated South of Jammu and Kashmir and North-East of the Punjab State. It is located at altitudes ranging between 450 m and 6500m above mean sea level. There is a general increase in elevation from West to East and from South to North. There are five major river basins in the State contributing both to the Indus and Ganges basin e.g. the Chenab, the Ravi, the Beas, the Satluj and the Yamuna. The State is endowed with more than 20000MW of hydro potential out of which only about 6062 MW of potential has so far been exploited.

I. Detail of Projects to be implemented through MOU route.

1. Harsar HEP (60MW)

Harsar Hydroelectric Project has been contemplated as a run-of-the river scheme utilising the water of Budhil Nallah, a tributary of river Ravi located near village Harsar in Distt. Chamba of Himachal Pradesh.

The Project comprises a + 30m high Dam on Budhil Nallah with FRL at E1+ 2220m and bed level + 2200m, a Trench Weir on Chobia Nallah, a + 5.5km. long main Tunnel to divert water of Budhil Nallah and + 0.9km. long small Tunnel to divert water of Chabia Nallah into the main Tunnel to carry a design discharge of +18m3/sec, a Power House to house three units of 20MW each with total installed capacity of 60MW to generate + 306 Million units of energy annually by utilizing a net head of + 400m.

2. Bharmour HEP (45MW):-

Bharmour Hydroelectric Project has been envisaged on Budhil Nallah, a tributary of river Ravi in Distt. Chamba of Himachal Pradesh. The Project comprises a radial Gated Barrage about 200m down stream the confluence of Chobia Nallah with Budhil Nallah near village Harsar, 2 No. underground central silt gutter type Desilting Tanks, a horse-shoe shaped 3.25m dia Head Race Tunnel to carry a design discharge of 27.40m3/sec, an under ground 8m dia Surge Shaft with top elevation 1862.50m and bottom level at

1796.50m, an underground Pressure Shaft, an under ground Power House 45.75 x 13.70 x 33.62m proposed at 1km upstream of Thalla bridge on right Bank of Budhil Nallah opposite of Bharmour town. The Power House has 2 No. vertical axis Francis turbines of 45MW (2 x 22.5MW) capacity to generate 199.29 MU of energy annually utilizing a net head of 186m.

3. Suil HEP (13MW):

The Suil Hydroelectric Project has been conceived as a run-of-river type development. The Project comprises a 30m long Trench Weir, a Desilting Arrangement consisting of two parallel troughs, each 39.50m long, 9.80m wide and 3.50m high to exclude silt particles down to 0.30mm size, a 3.175km long 2.5m dia D-shaped tunnel and + 1.91 Km long Power Channel of size 3.00m x 2.60m rectangular RCC box type, designed to carry discharge of 13.20m3/sec, a Forebay + 107 m long 3m wide and depth varying between 2.85m to 4.16m, 166.00m long Penstock of 2.0m dia bifurcating into two branches of 1.45m dia each to feed two No. Horizontal axis Francis generating units of 6.5MW each in a surface Power House on the left bank of Suil Nallah under average net head of 111.50m, to generate the power. After generation, water is discharged through 14.32m wide, 20m long Tail Race Channel back to Suil Nallah. The Project will be able to generate 68.96 Gwh and 70.67 Gwh of energy at bus bars in 90% dependable year and 50% mean year respectively.

4. Kut HEP (24 MW):

Kut Hydroelectric Project has been contemplated as run-of-the river scheme utilizing the water of Kut Khad, a tributary of river Satluj in Distt. Kinnaur (HP). The Project comprises a 20 m long and 2m wide drop type Trench Weir at El + 2080 m about 5km upstream of confluence of Kut Khad with Satluj river, a Vortex type Desilting Tank of dia 5 m to exclude all particles above 0.25 mm size, a 3.5 Km long D-shaped concrete lined Head Race Tunnel of dia 2.10 m to carry a design discharge of 4.4 cumecs, a 150 m x 4 m D-shaped underground Forebay with storage capacity of 120m3, a 1.60m dia surface Penstock, an underground Power House 36mx16m on the Right Bank of Satluj river at El + 1400m to house 2 No. vertical axis Pelton Turbines of total installed capacity as 24MW (2 x 12 MW) to generate 120.44 MU of energy annually utilising a net head of + 650 m.

5. Tidong-II HEP (60 MW):

Tidong-II Hydro-electric Project is a run-of-river development on Tidong Khad a tributary of river Satluj in Distt. Kinnaur (HP). The Project comprises a 130m long concrete gravity dam at river bed level + 3370m situated near village Dairbu, a Desilting Arrangement having 8 No. Desilting Hoppers (4 Nos. in each row) to remove particles above + 0.20mm, a 5036m long 2.6m dia circular Head Race Tunnel to carry a design discharge of 13.45 m3/sec, a 108m high 3.5m dia restricted orifice type underground Surge Shaft, a 825m long 2.10m dia one No. steel lined Pressure Shaft, a 89.5m x 15.5m x 32.15m sized underground Power House situated near village Lambar, to house two vertical axis Pelton Turbines of total installed capacity as 60MW (2 x 30 MW) to generate 211.65 MU of energy annually utilizing a net head of 511.50m.

6. Khoksar HEP (90 MW):

Khoksar Hydro-electric Project has been envisaged on river Chandra in Distt. Lahaul Spiti (HP). The Project comprises a 21m high Barrage with top of dam at El. 3216.00m in village Dorni Thach resulting to a gross storage of 155.31 Hect. m up to FRL at EL. 3212.40m, a Spillway to pass a design flood of 160m3/sec, 4 Nos. 140m x 20m x 9m underground central silt gutter type Desilting Tanks to excludes all particles above 0.20mm, 10.055 Km long 6.3m dia circular concrete lined Head Race Tunnel to carry a design discharge of 101 cumecs, a 70.85m high, 21m dia restricted orifice type Surge Shaft with top level at EL. 3235.00 m and bottom level at El. 3164.15m, an underground Pressure Shaft with three branches, a 68m x 15.75m x 27.5m sized underground Power House situated on the left bank of river Chandra near Khoksar to house three vertical axis Turbines of installed capacity of 90 MW (3 x 30 MW) to generate 351.91 million units of energy annually utilizing a net head of 99m.

7. Gharopa HEP (99MW):

The Gharopa Hydro-electric Project has been contemplated as a Power Generation Development utilising water of river Beas in Kullu Distt. Of Himachal Pradesh. It is an upstream development of Larji (126 MW) HEP under execution by HPSEB. The Project comprises a 26 m high diversion Barrage resulting to a 70.8 Hac-m gross storage Reservoir with FRL at El 1653.50, 4 No. underground central gutter type Desanding Basins of size 110m x 15m x 8.15m to remove all particles of min. size 0.2mm, a 5.7 Km long 5m dia modified horse shoe shaped concrete lined HRT to carry a design discharge of 65m3/sec, an underground 94.50m high 15m dia Surge Shaft of restricted orifice type, 1 No. 4.5 dia 415m long underground main Pressure Shaft trifurcated into 50m long 2.6 m dia branches, an under ground Power House situated near Patlikuhl to house 3 Nos. vertical axis Francis Turbines of capacity 33 MW (each) to generate 484.07 Million Units of energy annually by utilizing a maximum net operating head of 173.97 m.

8. Shalvi HEP (7 MW):

Shalvi Hydro-electric Project has been contemplated as a run-of-the river scheme on Shalvi Khad a tributary of river Yamuna in Chopal Tehsil of District Shimla of Himachal Pradesh. It comprises a Trench Weir on Shalvi Khad at EL + 960 m, an underground Desilting Tank to remove particles above 0.2 mm size, a Water Conductor System comprising 200 m Feeder Tunnel upto Desilting Tank and 3760 m long Head Race Tunnel, a Forebay and 1.40 m long Penstock of 1.5m dia and a Power House 2 x 3.5 MW on the right Bank of Shalvi Khad. The Project will generate 49.45 MU in 75% dependable year by utilizing a gross head of 104.72 m and a design discharge of 8.34m3/sec.

9. Fozal HEP (9 MW):

Fozal Hydro-electric Project has been contemplated as a run-of-the river scheme utilizing the water of Fozal Nallah a tributary of river Beas in the village Meha & Daora in Distt. Kullu (HP). The Project comprises a boulder type Weir, a Duffour type Desilting Tank, a 126 m long trapezoidal power channel (open), a D-shaped 2734.6 m long Power Tunnel, Forebay 10m x 25m with sill level at 1632.958 m and full Forebay level at 1638.949 m with a maximum discharging capacity of 8.48m3/sec, a Penstock 1.9 m dia 330 m long, a surface Power House 40 m x 9.5 m x 17.3 m to house three Horizontal axis Francis turbines of installed capacity of 9 MW (3×3 MW) to generate 46.37 Million Units of energy annually utilizing a net head of 141.0m.

10. Sal-I HEP (6.5 MW):

Sal Stage-I Hydro-electric Project has been contemplated as a run-of-the river scheme utilising the water of Sal Nallah in Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh. The Power House is near intake of Bhuri Singh Power House about 7 Kms from Chamba city and Trench Weir near Chiminnu village which is 12 Kms. from Chamba. The Project comprises a Channel 1845m long, a HRT 2950 m long (2.10m D-Shaped, free flow), a Forebay (53m x 12m x 3m), 218 m long surface Penstock (1.45m dia) and a surface Power House (27.5m x 14.5m) housing two units of 3.25 MW each. The Project will generate 31.9 million units annually by utilising a gross head of 120 m. Design discharge is 6.31m3/sec.

11. Kilhi Bahl HEP (7.5 MW):

Kilhi-Bahl Hydro-electric Project is proposed as a run-of-the river scheme utilizing the water of Binwa Khad, a tributary of river Beas in Distt. Kangra (HP). The Project comprises a 10 m long drop type Trench Weir at EL + 780 m downstream of confluence with Awa Khad, a 80 m x 12.60 m x 5.0 m sized central silt gutter type surface Desilting Tank to settle all the particles above 0.2 mm size, a 4km. long D-shaped concrete lined free flow Head Race Tunnel of dia 2.7 m to carry a design discharge of 11m3/sec, a 80 m x 10m x 4.75 m sized Forebay with storage capacity of 3300 cum, a 550 m long 1.85m dia surface Penstock, a 25 m x 12 m sized surface power house to house 2 turbines of installed capacity of 7.5MW (2×3.75 MW) to generate 41.82 Million Units of energy annually utilizing a net head of + 81 m. The Power House is located at EL + 690 m on right Bank of Binwa below village Lanju Sakri about 12 Km from Baijnath.

I. Detail of Projects to be implemented through ICB Route.

1. Jangi Thopan HEP (480 MW):

Jangi-Thopan Hydro-electric Project located in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh, is a run-of-river type development proposed to harness the hydel potential of river Satluj between Spillo and Thopan villages. The Project envisages construction of a 64 m high (above river bed) concrete gravity dam on the river Satluj near village Jangi for diversion of a design discharge of 305m3/sec, through two Intakes and underground Desilting Arrangement into a 7.0 km long, 9.45m finished diameter Head Race Tunnel on the right bank of Satluj river. The Tunnel terminates in a 26m diameter open to sky Surge Tank. The water from Surge Tank shall be further conveyed through three no’s, each 4.65m diameter, 220 long steel Penstock to three generating units in an underground Power House at Thopan. A gross head of 186 m is available at the power station, which shall be utilized to generate 480MW (3x160MW) of power.

The annual generation in 90% dependable year will be 1779.45 GWH and in 50% dependable year it will be 2098.71 GWH.

2. Thopan Powari HEP (480MW):

Thopan Powari Hydro-electric Project located in Kinnaur Distt. Of Himachal Pradesh, is a run-of-the river type development proposed to harness the hydel potential of river Satluj between Thopan and Powari Villages. The Project envisages construction of a 53m high concrete gravity Dam on the river Satluj near village Thopan for diversion of a design discharge of 330m3/sec, through two Intakes and underground Desilting Arrangement into a 5.84 Km. long, 9.35m, finished diameter Head Race Tunnel on the left bank of Satluj river. The Tunnel terminates in a 31m diameter open to sky Surge Tank. The water from Surge Tank shall be further conveyed through three nos., each 4.75m. dia, 320m long steel Penstock to three generating units in an underground Power House at Powari. A gross head of 172m is available at the power station, which shall be utilized to generate 480MW (3×160 MW) of power.

The annual generation in 90% dependable year will be 1786.26 Million Units and in 50% dependable year it will be 2091.14 Million Units.

3. Kutehar HEP (260 MW):

Kutehar Hydro-electric Project has been envisaged on river Ravi in Distt. Chamba (HP). The Project comprises a 80m long gated Barrage situated about 4km down stream of village Holi, 3 No. 122m x 19m x 12.25m Desilting Tanks to remove all particles of size 0.25mm and above, 15 Km long 6m dia circular concrete lined Head Race Tunnel to carry a design discharge of 109m3/sec, a restricted orifice type circular Surge Shaft with top level at El 1729.0m and bottom level at El. 1641.0m, 4.8m dia circular 310m long main Pressure Shaft trifurcated into 70m long 2.7m dia branches, an underground Power House situated near village Suhaga at 1km upstream of Kharamukh village on the left bank of river Ravi to house three vertical axis Francis Turbines of installed capacity of 260 MW (3 x 86.67MW) to generate 1075.26 Million Units of energy annually by utilizing a net head of 275m.

4. Chamba HEP (126MW):

Chamba Hydro-electric Project has been envisaged on river Ravi in Distt. Chamba of Himachal Pradesh. The Project comprises a Diversion Structure, 100m high 15.5m dia Intake Shaft of restricted orifice type, a 10.320 Km long 6.5m dia concrete lined circular Head Race Tunnel to carry a design discharge of 127m3/sec, an underground orifice type 20.50m dia circular Surge Shaft with top level at El + 950.00m and bottom level at El + 857.50m, an underground/surface 400m long 5.3m dia main Pressure Shaft trifurcated into 15m long 3.05m dia three branches, a surface Power House located near village Rajpura to house three Francis Turbines of total installed capacity of 126 MW (3 x 42 MW) to generate 646.824 Million Units of energy annually by utilizing a net head of 110 m.

The Project capacities and other details given above are based on preliminary Pre-Feasibility Studies. The Bidders shall be free to optimize the same based on the investigations done by them.