ASDSO will award up to US$5000 to one or more senior undergraduates for continuing education toward careers related to the design, construction and operation of dams.

Eligible candidates are:

• US citizens.

• Full-time students in an accredited civil engineering programme, or in a related field as determined by the ASDSO.

• Senior undergraduates during the 2006-2007 school year, with an expected graduation date of May and December 2007.

• Future professionals in hydraulics, hydrology or geotechnical disciplines, or in another discipline related to the design, construction and operation of dams.

Scholarship details, including application forms, are available for download at the www.damsafety,org or by contacting ASDSO:

Association of State Dam Safety Officials
450 Old Vine St., 2nd Floor
Lexington, Kentucky 40507
Tel: +1 859 257-5140

External weblinks

Association of State Dam Safety Officials