Located in northwestern Quebec, east of James Bay, the hydroelectric development includes the following components:
• The Rupert diversion, which involves redirecting some of the waters (up to 800m3/s) from the Rupert river watershed into the Eastmain river watershed.
• The construction of an additional power house, the Eastmain 1-A (up to 770MW), on the Eastmain 1 reservoir.
• The construction of a power house at the Sarcelle site, at the outlet of Opinaca reservoir.
The project calls for the construction of four dams, 75 dikes, two diversion bays flooding an area of 346km2, 12,000m of diversion channels or tunnels and two permanent access roads.
CEAA administers the federal environmental assessment process, which identifies the environmental effects of proposed projects and measures to address those effects, in support of sustainable development.
The funding will assist groups and individuals to take part in the environmental assessment by a joint review panel.