The tendering procedures will be performed in accordance with public bidding rules and will be in the German language. The power plant will be arranged underground and consists of the following main structures:
- A power house cavern for four pump turbine units and transformer cavern with a common access tunnel of approximately 5500m length, starting at Le Châtelard.
- Two parallel water conveyance systems, each with an upstream in/outlet structure, a short headrace tunnel (250m), a vertical shaft (470m), steel lined pressure tunnel with manifold (160m), tailrace tunnel with manifold and a downstream in/outlet structure.
- Associated structures such as main access road connections, various access roads and tunnels, aeration shaft and tunnel as well as a deposit for approximately 1Mm_ of excavation material.
The Owner invites qualified and interested civil contractors to an advanced information meeting and site inspection of the project area. The main goals of the meeting are to inform about the project and relevant procedures and to give the contractors the opportunity to assess the geographical conditions of the area and to allow them to prepare for tendering well in advance. The visit also offers the opportunity to view the in/outlet areas of Emosson (1900m asl) and Vieux Emosson (2200m asl).
Depending on the period of tendering, due to climatic conditions locations may be inaccessible during the tendering period. Participation at this pre-information is not a condition for later tendering. The advanced information meeting takes place on the 25 September 2006. The meeting point is in front of the existing power house of SBB at Le Châtelard.
Interested contractors are kindly requested to notify the Owner’s Project Manager by phone or by e-mail not later than 15 September 2006 at: Aare-Tessin AG für Elektrizität (atel), Jörg Aeberhard, Bahnhofquai 12, CH-4601 Olten. Tel: +41 (0)62 286 74 45. Email: