The two-year contract will investigate the various barrage and lagoon technology proposals. Shortly, the JV will issues the calls for proposals as well as a call for evidence with regard to environmental and other potential impacts of a tidal power scheme in the estuary.
Initial partners in the JV include Black & Veatch, The Environment Council, ABPmer and Hartley Anderson. Further recruits to the consortium are anticipated.
The contract was awarded by the Department for Business, Enterprise and regulatory Reform (BERR). The award follows the announcement, in January, of the Severn Tidal Power Feasibility Study. The major study follows a significant review, late last year, of the potential technologies and issues concerning tidal power at the estuary.
Hartley Anderson is to also co-ordinate the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) work for the estuary’s tidal energy studies and that of BERR’s offshore energy work.