At the start of the year, work on the project in the Sergiev-Posad region of the Moscow Oblast entered a new phase. Contractors started installing the basic embedded parts of the pump turbine unit: cone and foundation ring, stator and spiral case of starter units No.1 and 2. Completion of this construction stage will allow work to begin on installing the hydroelectric units’ working gear.
According to the construction schedule, the following works will be completed this year: installation of water conduit of Unit No.1, damming of the flow tube of the reversing water intake, completing the dam separating the existing pumped storage project and the new scheme, completion of construction and installation works at the assembly site, mounting of the spiral case of hydroelectric unit No.1, SF6-gas insulated equipment of the switch gear and control gear (500 kV KRUE), precommissioning and development of the lower basin section in the Gardel River area.
The 500kV KRUE building construction is underway. SF6-gas insulated equipment manufactured by Siemens arrived at the construction site in December 2010 and was transferred for assembly and installation. The 500kV KRUE will be connected to the operating voltage in the fourth quarter of 2011.
Concrete works are also underway on the construction site, including the assemblage site, transformer workshop, tailwater gate bays and unit area block. Embedded parts of the tailwater gate bays are being installed. In January the contractor completed installation of the first six sections of Unit 1 water conduit, and works are continuing on concreting the heads of piles and grillage and installing reinforced concrete beams, slabs and metal mounting runs of water conduit 1 of 0-6 section. At the water intake construction site a precast concrete floor for the flow channel of four hydroelectric units has been completed and works continue concreting the tailwater transition sections. The upper bulkhead blocks have been installed.
Zagorskaya 2, one of the RusHydro’s priority projects, is being constructed in the vicinity of the existing Zagorskaya pumped storage project. The Plant’s facilities comprise upper and lower ponds, water intake, penstocks and plant unit, power delivery units and infrastructures.
The first two hydroelectric units with combined installed capacity of 420MW are scheduled for commissioning in December 2012. The project will reach its full capacity of 840MW in 2014.