Work to assemble generator components for the hydraulic unit No. 1 is being carried out in the crater of hydraulic unit No. 9. At one of the stages the stator will be moved to a prepared site in the crater of hydraulic unit No. 1. This will be done with the use of a custom-made lifting beam with a lifting capacity of 600t (the stator’s weight is 540t). The lifting beam manufacturer is Krasnoyarsk Experimental Machine-Building Plant. The beam carrying the stator will be simultaneously lifted by two one-legged cranes in the turbine hall.

Hydraulic high-voltage testing of stator winding bars is also underway. At the same time, the assembly of the rotor for the main generator of hydraulic unit No. 1 is in progress at erection site (piling of stator core iron proceeded subsequent to the frame assembly) alongside preparations for the installation of the turbine cover at hydraulic unit No. 1.

The final stage of the flow part of hydraulic unit No. 1 renovation is near completion. Other activities that are currently in progress include preparation for mounting a new turbine bearer ring as well as the installation, within a draft tube, of damping fins used to stabilize water flow within the hydraulic unit’s flow part.

In compliance with the renovation program, hydraulic unit No. 1 is scheduled to be put into operation in December 2011.

Power Machines is a contractor for the production and installation of new hydraulic units for Sayano-Shushenskaya. Under the contract the company will produce ten hydraulic turbines and nine hydraulic generators rated at 640MW each as well as six excitation systems (a new generator and four excitation systems that have already been manufactured and installed at hydraulic units having been put into operation following the 2010 restoration repair).

In January 2011, Power Machines accomplished the production of a runner for the plant’s hydraulic unit No. 1. This 145-ton unit is to be transported to the project by water during the summer navigation period. In 2011, five more hydraulic units are expected to be produced at Power Machine’s production facilities; the production of remaining machinery is scheduled for 2012–2013. Power Machines staff will also provide installation services on a turnkey basis, including installation supervision and commissioning.

The new hydraulic units service life will be increased up to 40 years, with the maximum turbine efficiency of 96.6%. Its power and cavitation characteristics will also be enhanced. The hydraulic units will be equipped with advanced diagnostic systems allowing for prompt detection of status changes and accident prevention.

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