The project will be commissioned in two phases, the first providing a fully detailed design concept for a wave energy converter system capable of delivering at least 10MW of power before a second phase where the new innovations are developed and demonstrated at full scale at sea. It will also assess the potential market opportunities of the technologies in the UK and abroad.

“Wave energy offers a potential clean energy source for the UK without needing to import fuel but we need to ensure that it is affordable and competitive with other technologies. There are many competing concepts being developed but none yet demonstrate a clear route to large scale commercial deployment,” commented Dr David Clarke, Chief Executive of the ETI. “For wave energy to realise its potential there will need to be reductions in the costs of building, installing and operating the devices and associated infrastructure, as well as improvements to device technical performance and reliability.

“This project will identify the areas major improvements could be made and, if as we hope, significant savings can be demonstrated, the intention is that we will invest in the development and demonstration of them.”

The ETI is looking for teams that have a broad range of skills including device developers and engineering and technology development companies from a range of industries with the experience and expertise to demonstrate a step-change in cost improvements.

A Request for Proposals (RfP) has been issued and more details are available at

The deadline for the notification of intention to submit a proposal is 2 December 2011 and all proposals must be received by 25 January 2012.

It is expected that the project will start in summer 2012 with the first phase lasting around 12 months.

The ETI has identified cost reduction as crucial to development of the marine energy sector and to creating impact on the broader UK energy system in its Marine Energy Technology Roadmap, published in conjunction with the UK Energy Research Centre in October 2010 (<>).

The ETI is a public private partnership between six global industrial companies and the UK Government tasked with developing “mass scale” technologies that will help the UK meet its 2020 and 2050 energy targets. It is concerned with identifying affordable, sustainable and secure energy across heat, power, transport and the infrastructure that links them.

It has invested more than £130M in projects across eight programme areas, including £24M in marine energy.