The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFED) has agreed to provide a further US$15M for the Southern Ghors development project in Jordan. This includes three new dams, Mujib, Tannur and Wala, and a diversion weir at Mujib which will provide water for Dead Sea industrial and tourism projects. The project will also boost water supplies for irrigation and industrial and tourist developments in the southern Jordan Valley. ADFED has already provided a loan of US$113M for the development.
The Tannur dam is being built by two French companies, Bec Freres and Campenon Bernard, while the Mujib and Wala dams will be built by Greece’s Aegek and Hydro-gradnja of Bosnia. Nineteen international companies have prequalified for a contract to build the weir, tunnel and conveyors at the Mujib dam. A consortium of Germany’s GWK, Austria’s ILF and the local Arabtech Jardaneh Consulting Engineers and Architects has a contract for the design and supervision of the work.
ADFED is considering a US$10M loan towards the cost of the planned Wihdeh dam, on the Yarmouk river along the Jordanian-Syrian border.
The fund has also approved a US$5M loan towards Jordan’s US$28M Yarmouk river basin scheme which will involve soil conservation, rural roads and measures to increase agricultural productivity.