AFRY India has been contracted by independent power producer Greenko Energy Projects Ltd to provide detailed design engineering services for the 1200MW Pinnapuram Integrated Renewable Energy Pumped Storage Project in southern India.

AFRY’s contract has been valued at around US$2.5 million. The project is being funded by multi financial institutions and equity partners from India & the Middle East. 

The Pinnapuram project is located in Pinnapuram village, in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The project has upper and lower reservoirs enclosed by 9.6km long, 42m high Rockfill dams, power intake, pumping intake, waterways with six tunnels and penstock pipes, and a subsurface powerhouse complex housing eight variable speed reversible TG units.

“Pinnapuram IREPSP is prestigious, and the first IREPSP in the region, and we are delighted to win this project,” said Sai Seela, Managing Director, AFRY India. “This is an ideal reference to multiple IPPs and state utilities for their various upcoming Pumped Storage Projects. This project will set the benchmark in our credentials for upcoming PSPs in the region.”