ASDSO created the Student Employment Opportunities Clearinghouse in response to a dwindling supply of college graduates qualified to enter this specialised field.

Employers who provide internships and co-ops in dam-related fields may post their information at no charge in the Career Center of the ASDSO website, at Currently posted are several internship openings, as well as information about student-friendly companies, agencies and organizations. Students interested in applying for internships and co-ops should check the site frequently, as it is continually updated.

Other student opportunities available through ASDSO include:

• Annual senior undergraduate scholarship awards up to $10,000.

• A Speakers Bureau of dam safety experts available to make presentations to student groups.

• Complimentary registration for students who attend ASDSO regional and national conferences, including Dam Safety 2008, to be held September 7-11 in Indian Wells, California.

Companies are encouraged to join the effort to help attract and recruit more young people into this special field of engineering by posting this information and/or passing it along to colleagues and students who may be interested.

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