BC Hydro has finished building the Site C earthfill dam. Completing the dam was one of the essential milestones required before filling the reservoir. Picture taken July 2023, courtesy of BC Hydro.
BC Hydro has confirmed that the commencement of reservoir filling for the Site C dam project in Canada is slated to stay on schedule, with the process set to kick off in 2024 as originally planned.
Despite initial considerations to accelerate reservoir filling by a year and commence this fall, BC Hydro faced critical tasks that demanded completion prior to initiating the process. Crucial work areas, such as the approach channel, spillway gates, and powerhouse intake gates, still require attention. The onset of winter weather and colder conditions presented a narrowing window of opportunity for the safe initiation of reservoir filling. Consequently, BC Hydro has made the decision to adhere to the existing project timeline.
Work on the Site C project will continue to advance on schedule and be ready for filling to begin next fall. The project remains on-track to achieve first power in 2024, have all six generating units in-service by 2025, and be completed within the approved budget.
Commencing construction in July 2015, the Site C project has made substantial progress, and is now over 80% complete. Key project components, including the earthfill dam, Highway 29 realignment, two 500kV, 75km transmission lines, and a new substation, have already been successfully executed.
Tailrace construction nearing completion in September 2023. Image courtesy BC Hydro