The Czech Republic in central Europe has an area of 78,864km2, and a population of 10.4M. The average annual precipitation is 693mm. Total annual run-off is 2.85km3, of which 2.28km3 is surface water (based on data from 1992).
There are 118 large dams in operation, 109 of which are higher than 15m; many are multi-purpose. The total water storage capacity of all dams is 3.94km3.
The gross theoretical hydro power potential of the Czech Republic is 13,100GWh/yr, and the technically feasible potential is 2711GWh/yr.
The total installed capacity of all power plants is 15,249MW, of which 2070MW is hydro capacity.
There is no further hydro capacity under construction or planned but some flood protection reservoirs in Moravia are planned, following the 1997 flood. They will also be used for electricity production – as run-of-river hydro power plants. The generation of all hydro plants in 1998 was 1617GWh.
There is 1120MW of capacity in operation at pumped storage plants. During 1999, they generated 535GWh and consumed 718GWh.
There is a small hydro power potential of 500GWh/yr. The total number of small (including mini and micro) plants is 1200, with a total capacity of 200MW (680GWh/yr).
The importance of uprating and refurbishment of existing dams and hydro plants is increasing due to the of age of the structures.