The awards are open to any dam safety project (from rehabilitation schemes to new research initiatives) and new product development initiated or completed between 1 January 2009 and 30 September 2010.

Our awards programme allows the industry to choose the best of the best. IWP&DC’s December 2010 issue will publish a selection of leading dam safety projects and equipment that have been nominated by utilities, vendors and others in the industry. By being selected to appear in IWP&DC, all of these projects and products will already be recognised as the best in the industry. Readers will then get to choose the winning product and project, with the winners profiled in detail a few months later.

To enter, please send a letter outlining the details of the project/product (including dates, scope of work planned, scope of work accomplished, personnel involved), and the reasons why you feel they should be considered, to reach us by 4 October 2010. There is no cost to enter.

Send entries to: The Editor, Carrieann Stocks, via email:; fax +44 208 269 7804. International Water Power & Dam Construction, Progressive House, 2 Maidstone Road, Foots Cray, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 5HZ, UK.