The first 130MW generator was synchronised on 28 February, almost two weeks later than earlier scheduled but the remaining two machines should be in operation by the end of the month, as planned.

Work on the run-of-river project began in the early 1980s. However, construction of the project was interrupted and suffered successive delays for a host of reasons ranging from contractual and financial to construction and political.

Major structures on the project include a 65m high, 186m long concrete gravity dam, a 10.6km long headrace tunnel, a tailrace tunnel almost 300m long, and a power house cavern. The dam diverts flow from the river Chenab to a desilting basin before the water is conveyed to the headrace.

In late January, a fatal accident happened during clearing works in an adit tunnel. A mass of concrete fell from the wall as workers were removing dewatering pipes. Two workers died and up to eight suffered injuries.