Engie has won the concessions to operate the 424MW Jaguara and 408MW Miranda hydropower plants in Brazil, raising its installed hydro capacity from 10,290MW to 11,122MW.

The company won the 30-year concessions in an auction held by the Brazilian Federal Government at the end of September, with the contracts valued at around €950 million.

“These contracts are a tremendous success that represent a great growth opportunity for ENGIE, in line with the Group ambition to develop low carbon power production. These two plants have a strategic location for ENGIE’s growth as they are in the Southeast region where we already have other plants and activities”, said ENGIE Brazil CEO, Maurício Bähr.

Jaguara is located on the Rio Grande (between the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo), while Miranda is on the Rio Aragui, in Indianápolis (Minas Gerais State).