Hidroenergia 2010 will address the issues hydro power faces in its important role as a sustainable and renewable energy resource, and will gather together the small hydro sector’s main stakeholders to debate the hot topics affecting the industry, exchange experiences and present new advances in technology.

Papers will be considered under the following topics:

• New regulation, administrative procedures and finance.

• Technical innovations and engineering solutions.

• Perspectives and development of small hydro power in Switzerland, the EU and the rest of the world.

• Multipurpose hydro schemes.

• Environment.

• Operation and maintenance.

• Planning.

• Education and training.

Potential presenters are invited to submit abstracts in PDF format to abstracts2010@hidroenergia.eu no later than 15 December 2009. The abstract should be supplied in English, however French or German is also possible if English is an obstacle for the preparation of the abstract. The maximum length of the abstract should be two A4 pages, including pictures, graphs and tables. The font must not be smaller than Times of Arial 11. All abstracts must include: the title of the proposed paper or poster; an overview of the paper/poster; the category you are submitting the paper to.

Sponsorship and exhibition opportunities for Hidroenergia 2010 are also available. Please visit www.hidroenergia.eu or email: info2010@hidroenergia.eu for more information..