Klohn Crippen Berger (KCB) has been appointed as the Owner’s Engineer for a project to build the new Paradise Dam wall near Bundaberg in Queensland. This collaborative effort between Sunwater and the Queensland Government marks a pivotal step towards ensuring water security and bolstering the Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme.

The Paradise Dam, a cornerstone of the region’s water management system, serves as a crucial reservoir for both agricultural irrigation and urban consumption. Spanning over 600km of channels and pipelines, the Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme sustains diverse agricultural activities and provides essential water resources to local communities and industries.

In 2019, following an assessment of Paradise Dam that was prompted by damage incurred during flooding in 2013, the dam wall was lowered to ensure the safety of downstream communities. The assessment had revealed safety risks attributed to the roller compacted concrete properties and construction approach.

In 2021, the Queensland Government committed to reinstating the full capacity of the dam, and extensive testing and analysis was undertaken with that intent. However, the testing results confirmed the existing dam could not be repaired to full capacity, nor could it provide assurance of water security for its intended design life. Constructing a new dam wall downstream of the existing structure will restore the operational capacity and provide water security for the future.

Consequently, plans have been set in motion to construct a new dam wall downstream, with the aim of reinstating operational capacity and fortifying water reserves for future generations.

Photo provided by Sunwater