Multiconsult has announced it to assist PNG Power Ltd’s project management unit to supervise the refurbishment of two existing hydropower plants and oversee construction of a new project in Papua New Guinea.
The work is part of the company’s role as Project Supervision Consultant for the ADB financed project ‘Town Electrification Investment Program, Tranche 2’. The two projects to be refurbished are the 18MW Yonki dam and the 10MW Warangoi hydroelectric project. The new project is the 3MW Ramazon hydro power plant.
“ We are immensely proud of this project,” said Tom Ødegaard, Sales Director Renewable Energy. “Papua New Guinea’s GDP growth is expected to grow by around 3% annually in the next years, with increasing demand for electricity. However, despite a huge hydropower and geothermal potential, PNG also has one of the lowest electrification ratios in Asia with only 20% and per capita electricity consumption. We look forward to our leading renewable energy experts contributing to energy for all and the sustainable development of Papua New Guinea.”
Multiconsult has built up a strong presence in Papua New Guinea and is currently working as transaction advisor for PNG Power Ltd to the Naoro Brown Hydropower Project, and for the World Bank on the Assessment of Benefit Sharing in Hydropower Projects for Papua New Guinea.