The latest issue of Dam Engineering (Volume XXX, Issue 1) has been published:

Seismic Safety Evaluation of Large Dams in Switzerland: Lessons Learned

by Georges R Darbre, Markus V Schwager & Rocco Panduri

Most of the large dams in Switzerland were built several decades ago (Figure 1) according to the state-of-the-art of the time. The federal supervisory authority (at the present time the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)) decided in the early 2000’s to require the operators of all the large dams in the country to reassess the earthquake safety of their dams based on modern standards. This unique endeavor is now complete.

This paper presents both the verification process and the requirements in terms of performance criteria, earthquake hazard and methodology. The retrofitting measures needed following this assessment are also presented, as well as the lessons learned.

The Overhaul of Beauharnois: Meeting Modern Day Challenges

For close to 40 years, Beauharnois generating station has been undergoing a major overhaul. Hydro-Québec teams have been busy making sure this strategic facility can meet the demands of the energy transition.

Good Grouting Guide

Good practice guidance on all aspects of grouting at dams was considered to be limited in the UK. To address this problem the Construction Industry Research & Information Association (CIRIA) has developed a new comprehensive guide for grouting at dams.

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