Power company Drax has awarded Norconsult an extended contract to oversee the refurbishment of two generating units at Scotland’s Cruachan Power Station, the country’s largest pumped storage hydropower facility. Norconsult will monitor the delivery of new equipment and construction work on behalf of Drax.
Norconsult has been involved in the project since 2023 as the Owner’s Engineer, and will continue to provide technical expertise and project management as part of the station’s upgrade. Drax aims to replace all key components in two of the four units while increasing the facility’s installed capacity.
“Norconsult views pumped PSH in Europe as strategically important for the stability of the power system. It is therefore gratifying that our strong hydropower expertise helps our clients lead the way in preparing the power system for future needs,” said Håkon Bergsodden, Director of Hydropower and Power Transmission at Norconsult.
Pumped storage plants such as Cruachan are critical for maintaining grid stability in the UK, which relies on a mix of offshore wind and less flexible thermal power production.
Commissioned in 1965, Cruachan has four reversible pump turbines, each originally rated at 100MW. Two units were upgraded to 120MW in 2005, and the remaining two are now set for a major overhaul.
Norconsult is providing expertise across multiple engineering disciplines and advising on design and equipment deliveries.
“It is technically challenging to upgrade a pumped storage plant like Cruachan, as large components need to be replaced inside a relatively narrow mountain hall. At the same time, there are strict operational requirements in the United Kingdom, and with increased forces resulting from increased capacity, there are several major assessments required to ensure functionality and reliability,” said Trond Moltubakk, Norconsult’s pump turbine expert and project manager for the first phase of the upgrade.
As part of the expanded contract, Norconsult’s role will increase, particularly in project management and execution, with support from the company’s Project Execution Division (PEX).