Regulated hydro power output last year increased by 4% to 18,800 GWh compared to 2007 though availability dipped to 93.8% from 94.1%.
Unregulated generation jumped by more than a quarter to 17,600GWh and OPG saw availability improve to 94.6% from 93.9% last time.
Hydro power income in 2008 was also increased by the new price for regulated output of Can$36.66/MWh.
The Canadian utility reported that negotiations are continuing over the excavation difficulties on the Niagara tunnel. Talks are scheduled to be completed before the end of March but will have significant cost and scheduling impacts, it added.
OPG also said it is continuing to push ahead with a development plan to nearly double the installed capacity in four plants on the Lower Mattagami river, increasing from 483MW to 933MW.
As part of the plans, OPG is in negotiations with First Nation stakeholders to both settle grievances over the plants and agree a new commercial relationship. The company says it plans to submit its proposals for the additional 450MW to the Government and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency this year.
OPG is also replacing four mini plants – Wawaitin, Sandy Falls, Lower Sturgeon and Hound Chute – as part of a wider rehabilitation package that will see total installed capacity almost double, increasing from 23MW to 44MW. Annual electricity generation is set to increase from 134GWh to 223GWh.
A settlement in principle over construction matters related to the new Lac Seul facility is expected to enable the 12.5MW plant to be operational this month. It was originally scheduled to be in service by the end of the third quarter of 2007.