The loan is part of the Bank´s objective to increase its lending for renewable and climate-related activities, and help countries tap sustainable energy sources.
This operation is the second of four consecutive programmatic policy-based loans for Peru’s new energy matrix. It will support reforms and decisions to promote sustainable and diversified energy production, transformation and use. This is expected to help create a stable and predictable business atmosphere that can attract investments and promote growth while taking into account social and nature-preservation concerns.
Part of the funds will be used to help prepare a Strategic Plan for Sustainable Energy and Bioenergy, which will study the potential for mitigating emissions; an assessment of hydropower infrastructure vulnerability to climate change risks; develop a Strategic Environmental Assessment; boost environmental standards through regulations training and support for eco-efficient plans at municipality level; guidelines on minimum standards and energy efficiency labeling; and help set up an Energy Efficiency agency, among other measures.
Peru’s new energy matrix will also promote inclusive participation and social management mechanisms and boost institutional capacity at the national, regional, and local level through training, citizen participation guides, and other means.
The loan, from the IDB’s ordinary capital, is for a 20-year term, with a five-year grace period.