In a statement, company and trade association leaders expressed concern for a looming crisis that has put thousands of jobs in these states at risk. The call comes as opponents of renewable energy tax policy place the future of these industries in jeopardy.

The group – including the national-hydropower-association, the Geothermal Energy Association and the Biomass Power Association – called for the immediate passage of H.R. 3307: American Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit Extension Act of 2011, which covers all renewable technologies, and is sponsored by Rep. Dave Reichert [R-WA8] and Rep. Earl Blumenauer [D-OR3] with over 60 bipartisan cosponsors, including 16 Republicans.

The call to action was accompanied by a letter to Congressional leaders, which highlighted that the looming expiration of the tax credit in 2013 is already leading to a decline in new projects and construction. The letter says that failing to extend these tax incentives will effectively bring these projects to a grinding halt and undermine the progress the industries have made in recent years.