JSC RusHydro has announced it is to consolidate its hydro engineering operations in a bid to improve project efficiency and make better use of its hydro resources.

In a first step towards consolidation of the company’s scientific and engineering institutes, Vladimir Pekhtin, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of RusHydro, has been appointed General Director of JSC Institute Hydroproject and JSC Lenhydroproject, while also continuing to serve as a member of the Management Board of RusHydro.

RusHydro Group currently manages the following hydro engineering operations: JSC Institute Hydroproject; JSC Lenhydroproject; JSC Mosoblhydroproject; JSC Vedeneev VNIIG; and JSC NIIES. Some of these institutes have similar capabilities and functions that often overlap. Institute Hydroproject and Lenhydroproject have more expertise in developing comprehensive and complex hydro engineering projects, Mosoblhydroproject specialises in small and medium hydro project developments.

The creation of a single governing body responsible for control over the Company’s hydro engineering operations was approved by the Board of Directors in 2013.