SMEC is to provide hydraulic valuation modelling for the Isabella Weir Upgrade Project after winning a contract from the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government.

Located in Canberra, Australia, Isabella Weir is a low-built earthen dam that regulates the flow of water to Lake Tuggeranong (an artificial lake holding stormwater from neighbouring areas), and acts as a flood control structure for water levels within an existing urban development.

The weir requires upgrading to: achieve an acceptable flood capacity of 1020m3/sec; ensure safe and predictable flood levels for neighbouring urban developments; and secure compliance with Australian National Committee On Large Dams (ANCOLD) safety guidelines.

As part of the contract, SMEC will provide hydraulic validation modelling for the upgrade works, using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods. This modelling will ensure the upgrade designs comply with ANCOLD guidelines, and will identify adjustments in the ‘standard industry design’ for improved safety, such as approach channel shaping and downstream erosion protection, SMEC said.