The Bureau of Reclamation will host the meeting. Keynote speakers will be geotechnical engineer Ralph Peck and David Olsen, president of the Coalition to Advance Sustainable Technology.
More than 50 lecture and poster session presentations by utilities, academia, government agencies and consultants will address topics such as: life extension through rehabilitation and maintenance; optimising the use of resources for the needs of society; decommission; and design. There will also be special presentations by representatives of The World Bank, Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Performance of Dams Program, American Society of Civil Engineers and the Association of State Dam Safety Officials.
A two-day tabletop exhibition will accompany the meeting. Visitors will be entertained to a meal on the Monday evening and a field trip on the Thursday will take participants to Reclamation’s Colorado-Big Thompson project and Denver Water’s Dillon dam and reservoir. On the Friday, there will be a trip to Horsetooth reservoir, a major dam and rehabilitation project near Fort Collins, Colorado and Reclamation’s Engineering Laboratories.
Contact Larry Stephens: +1 303 628 5430 Email: