The conference is being held in San Antonio, Texas, from 1 to 5 May 2006 and the USSD would like papers on a broad range of topics that relate to applications of current engineering technologies for dams and their roles in today’s society.
Examples for topics include –
Reservoir operations:
• Increasing reservoir yield through operations.
• Dam modifications to improve operations.
• Sediment management.
• Reservoir operations for flood control.
• Operation plans for normal, unusual and extreme loadings.
• Emergency action plans.
Water planning and water resources development:
• New dam case studies.
• Dam enlargement case studies.
• Watershed planning.
• Drought mitigation.
• Improving flood control.
Dam safety:
• Evaluations of compliance with new requirements (e.g. flood, earthquakes).
• Modifications to improve dam safety.
• Modifications or repairs to extend operational life.
• Applications of risk approaches in dam safety.
• New technologies for dam safety.
• Monitoring and emergency planning for public protection.
Dam security:
• Security evaluations and assessments.
• Security improvements.
Environmental issues:
• Environmental enhancements provided by dams.
• Maintenance/enhancements of reservoir or stream water quality.
• Contaminated sediment management.
• Permitting new projects and reservoir enlargements.
• Strategies for complying with environmental requirements
• Environmental mitigation.
• Environmental issues in FERC relicensing.
• Case studies in decommissioning.
• The case for and against decommissioning.
Participants are requested to send the USSD an abstract of 200 to 400 words, preferably via email, with the paper title, author and co-author names and affiliations (list contact author first) and the address, phone, fax and email for all authors.
Abstracts are due on 26 August 2005, and authors will be notified as to whether their paper has been selected by 23 September. Then draft copies the papers are due on 18 November, with comments returned by 13 January 2006 and the final papers to be re-submitted on 17 February.
External weblinksUS Society on Dams