VA Tech hydro has won an order for the Candonga turnkey hydro project in Brazil.
The contract was awarded by Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) and Energia Electrica, Promocao e Participacoes, a local independent power producer.
The scope of va-tech-hydro’s contract comprises the supply of 3x47MW Francis turbines, including digital governors, 3x52MVA vertical governors, and excitation, protection and power plant control systems.
The 140MW plant will be located in the southern region of Minais Gerais and will be connected to the transmission network owned by utility CEMIG at Ponte Nova substation. The plant will cost $80M to build. The total value of VA Tech’s contract is $35M.
VA Tech Hydro and its Brazilian subsidiary VA Tech Energ share an EPC contract for the project with civil partner OAS Construtora and engineering partner Geoproetos Engenharia. VA Tech Energ, the Brazilian branch, will supply hydromechanical equipment, mechanical auxiliaries, electrical auxiliaries, electrical auxiliaries and Caondonga’s connection, via a 30km 138kV, to the transmission system. VA Tech Transmission and Distribution will supply the 138kV substation at the plant and an extension to the substation at Ponte Nova.
• MCE Voest, commissioned by VA Tech Hydro to build an inclinde tunnel in the 1060MW Goldisthal power plant in Thüringen, Germany, has completed the work ahead of schedule. The headrace tunnel, which is 6.2m wide and 800m long, containing two penstocks, was completed in 14 months. The