Duncan dam, located 42km north of Kaslo, was the first of three dams built in CAnada by the US, under the Columbia River Treaty. It became operational in 1967. The 38.7m-high dam impounds a reservoir of 1727m3 million and supplies storage for the Kootney canal plant. The planning process will review BC Hydro’s operations of the power facility and explore ways to better balance the use of water among fisheries, wildlife, recreation, the environment, heritage conservation, flood control, and power generation. Over the next three years, the utility will develop water use plans or all its facilities. Currently, plans are underway for Bridge river, Campbell river, Cheakamus, Coquitlam/Buntzen, Jordan river, Keenleyside, Mica/Revelstoke and Shuswap Falls/Sugar Lake hydro facilities. Plans have been completed for the Stave river and the Alouette schemes in the lower mainland.
Water use planning starts at Duncan dam
BC Hydro has begun a water use planning process for the Duncan dam and reservoir on the Duncan river in Canada.