WaterNSW has announced that investigations are underway to address safety concerns and ensure the long-term security of Warragamba Dam. The dam, which currently remains safe for day-to-day operations and is structurally sound, is being examined in light of the potential risks posed by extreme floods and the impact of climate change on downstream communities.
WaterNSW regularly conducts risk assessments of its dams and implements upgrades as necessary to meet contemporary dam safety regulations, it said. A recent risk assessment of Warragamba Dam has identified potential climatic and geotechnical risks under extremely rare weather conditions. Although there are no immediate structural concerns regarding the dam wall, additional measures may be required to mitigate the effects of extreme floods associated with climate change, considering the large population downstream.
WaterNSW emphasized that Warragamba Dam is capable of withstanding even the most severe floods. However, in accordance with evolving safety standards and in anticipation of climate-related challenges, the organization is committed to ensuring the dam's compliance with the latest NSW dams' safety regulations.
The specific actions, whether they involve infrastructure modifications or non-infrastructure solutions, required to address the identified risks are yet to be confirmed. Investigations are now underway to evaluate the necessary measures and guarantee the dam's ongoing compliance with safety regulations.
Further updates will be provided when these investigations are complete.
There are no structural issues with the Warragamba dam wall and any climate driven dam safety risks are incredibly remote said WaterNSW