Innergex Renewable Energy has reported that an explosion at the Upper Lillooet Hydro Project (ULHP) construction site in British Columbia, Canada on 18 November, resulted in the death of an employee of Prime Contractor CRT-EBC SENC. Another worker has received medical care and is currently considered out of danger.
“We are all at Innergex deeply saddened by this news, and our thoughts and condolences are with the families and friends of the deceased, and those affected by this accident. Innergex is collaborating fully with authorities through the course of their investigation," says Michel Letellier, President and CEO of the corporation.
On 3 November ULHP was under the spotlight for a different reason. It was awarded the Clean Energy BC 2015 Finance Award during an awards dinner at the Generate conference in Vancouver on 2 November. The $491.6M non-recourse construction and term project financing, for both the 81.4MW Upper Lillooet and 25.3MW Boulder Creek facilities, is considered to be exceptional by virtue of its size, especially given its 40-year long term: the largest project-level financing Innergex has ever secured.
Active since 1990, the Innergex corporation develops, owns and operates a wide portfolio of renewable operations in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, and Idaho, US. It currently has 27 hydroelectric operating facilities.